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status(optional) define a status code as a string. When 404 or 500 is given, a predefined text will be shown. Defaults to 400.
title(optional) will overwrite the default title.
text(optional) will overwrite the default text.
code(optional) will overwrite the default error message code.
help(optional) will overwrite the default additional help text.
links(optional) provide an array with objects { text: 'Text', url: 'https://...' } to display a list of anchor links.
center(optional) if true, it will use 80vh as the height and center its content.
skeleton(optional) applies a loading skeleton to all included elements.
locale(optional) set a supported locale if needed.
children(optional) to display additional related content, like useful links etc.


More info about translations can be found in the general localization and Eufemia Forms localization docs.

GlobalError.404.titleVi finner ikke siden du leter etter …We can't find the page you're looking for …
GlobalError.404.textSikker på at du har skrevet riktig adresse? Eller har vi rotet med lenkene?Are you sure you have entered the correct address? Or have we messed with the links?
GlobalError.500.titleBeklager, her skjedde det noe feil!Sorry, a technical error happened!
GlobalError.500.textTjenesten fungerer ikke slik den skal for øyeblikket, men prøv igjen senere.The service is not working properly at the moment. Try again later.
GlobalError.codeFeilmeldings-kode:Error code:
GlobalError.helpHer er noen lenker som kanskje kan hjelpe:Here are some links that might help: